Universidad del Bío-Bío (CHILE)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 7884-7889
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.2046
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
This paper presents results of research about Luminiscent Solar Concentrators (LSC) integrated into smart structured skin system capable to provide energy to buildings. Entities from Spain, Portugal, the Dominican Republic and Chile have participated in the project, coordinating actions from Latin American universities and European technology centers. Represents a learning experience between designers, chemical and electronic engineers, psychologists, architects. Postgraduate research assistants have been integrated to contribute to the design stages and user studies carried out in Chile, which has meant valuable training in complex projects. In the present century, the design of various photovoltaic elements has been exacerbated to integrate it in buildings and generate solar radiation energy, like wall panels, tiles, wall blocks, balconies and double glazing with inserted cells. These elements called BIPV (Building-integrated Photovoltaic) have been applied in buildings, in some cases covering the entire energy demand. User acceptance study based on emotions, weighs acceptance degree regarding glass color and pattern that make up the system. Semantic differential tables are used for data collection, with interviews to 97 individuals facing virtual prototypes. Higher ranking emotional satisfiers are defined to guide development of glass in contrast with preferences of users with their efficiency and visual characteristics. Smart structured skin system is made up of modules. Rhomboidal shape allows the crystal mass distribution to be optimal to be moved, since they concentrate weight around rotation axis, reducing resistance the module generates when moving, and requirement of less energy and force to move them and lower torque in the case of using motors. This turn has been proved in by 3D printing prototypes. Question about user acceptance regarding the perceived color and its highly technical integration is solved. The study allowed us to verify relevance of color as element with great significant value for individuals, becoming not only means of expression, but also predominantly environment conducive to emotions capable of intervening in perceived space quality. In affective-emotional sense, it has an effect users, influencing sensory of comfort, associated with well-being and pleasure emotions, so counteracting tension, stress, anxiety, among others. Findings support proposition that design should be recognized as important factor in highly demanding research cases, where interdisciplinary must appear to deliver friendly solutions to the environment, but mainly for human beings. This highlights the need for multidisciplinary approaches to the development of this type of systems, including active collaborations between industrial designers, chemical and electronic engineers, psychologists, architects, to name a few professionals. Results obtained give value to the significance of a scrupulous attention to the visual related components, which are incorporated in the communication of the product in interaction with the user, since these give meaning to the user / product experience. Students have developed a methodology to collect perceptual information regarding the designed proposal. Integrating students into the project has meant arduous training for them, who have had to meet high standards of demand and quality. Validating capabilities at a European level implies a greater challenge for them.
Design, Education, Multidisciplinary, UX, Solar Energy, Smart System.