Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
Digital transformation takes place almost in all spheres of life. But passage of some spheres to online format evokes users’ resistance. For example, online education of children studying in primary school in Russia gives rise to many questions among teachers and parents.
Digital transformation accelerates many processes, to which human psychology can’t adjust fast enough (and humans need more time to reorganize). Even taking into account the obvious benefits of remote learning, there are those who are ruled by their previous experience, which can be already out-dated in the current situation and for demands of present time and restrictions caused by Covid-19.
Modern systems of communication, chats, social nets help parents to interact, exchange opinions. But sometimes the communication has a «viral» character, when the unsubstantiated doubts of one parent give rise to anxiety in other parents.
In the beginning of October the news from Mayor of Moscow appeared. It said that apart from other measures, the introduction of express polymerase chain reaction testing in schools for maintaining their normal work is possible. This news was actively discussed in forums and chats with huge worries and assumptions. Many parents of school children speak up against making polymerase chain reaction testing for Covid-19 in schools. This prompted the growth of anxiety and the number of citizens’ appeals to the Moscow Government in more than 10 times.
Author has analysed citizen petitions in reports of the Public Opinion Monitoring Centre of Moscow government, arguments in forums, and online polls against remote learning and doing polymerase chain reaction testing in schools. Thus, citizens suppose that the implementation of distant learning threatens the physical and psychological health of school children. Among arguments there is also the one stating that distant learning forces children to spend more time in front of a computer or gadget, reduces physical activity of children and limits interpersonal communication with age-mates.
The stereotypes of children’s parents about studying at school have been defined. Among others, there are stereotypes related to the effectiveness of real-life communication with the teacher, option of selecting a teacher, importance of school reputation and its high rating, effectiveness of Russian programs of education, according to which, the parents themselves were receiving their education without using gadgets and the Internet. Also, there’s a stereotype stating that the school — is not only the place for getting knowledge, but also for communication with age-mates.
Author assumes that introduction of measures to ensure physical and psychological health of children studying online, and also increasing parents' awareness regarding these measures and role of remote learning in the current context of all-round digital transformation and Covid-19, will help parents feel less anxious about distant studies of their children and to successfully adjust to new conditions.Keywords:
Digital transformation, remote learning, psychological barriers, children’s parents, stereotypes.