Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (ISRAEL)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 779-786
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0265
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
Nowadays, conventional systems are replaced by smart and interconnected cyber-physical systems, based on the advanced technologies of Industry 4.0. These developments necessitate updating of the school curriculum and methodologies for teaching and learning new subjects. The machine control subject is taught in Israeli high schools based on the curriculum that is limited to studying only elementary methods of control. This curriculum does not consider adaptations of control processes to changes in the environment. Adaptive control is used in many modern systems however the subject is taught only in universities and teaching the subject in schools is a topical issue.

The goal of this research is to develop and explore an approach for integrating into the high school Machine Control curriculum, the adaptive control subject. To achieve this goal, the researcher developed and implemented an instructional unit "Machine Control Methods" at a comprehensive school in Haifa. The study evaluated learning outcomes in understanding the subject, skills development, and attitude towards the learning experience.

The study involved 44 students in three experimental groups: 16 tenth-graders, 9 eleventh-graders, and 19 twelfth graders who studied the instructional unit as part of the machine control discipline. After completing the unit, tenth and eleventh graders carried out a practical project in which they implemented robot navigation based on adaptive cruise control. The research was conducted as a case study that followed up learning the instructional unit and evaluated its outcomes. Data collection and analysis were done using a mixed approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methods.

Knowledge questionnaires were administered before and after the unit was taught. Both questionnaires included questions regarding basic control concepts. In addition, the post-unit questionnaire included questions regarding adaptive control. Evaluation of the project's contribution to skill development was conducted by observing and analyzing student performances, based on the developed criteria. After studies of the unit, the students were given an attitudes questionnaire that asked about their awareness of the importance of adaptive control studies and interest in continuing to learn the subject.

A significant advance in the knowledge of basic concepts of machine control was found among the students in all the experimental groups. The majority of the students demonstrated an understanding of the concepts of adaptive control. Analysis of the practical project results indicated that most students acquired the skills of analysis and evaluation of control processes. The absolute majority of the students in all age groups gained the awareness of the importance of the subject and are interested in further studies of machine control.

This study proposes, implements, and evaluates a new approach for integrating the topical subject of adaptive control in the curriculum of the high school machine control discipline. Based on the results of the study, we recommend integrating studies of adaptive control into the Machine Control curriculum and creating a sequence for learning control systems throughout grades 10-12. Moreover, adaptive control processes exist in a variety of fields. Teaching machine control as an interdisciplinary subject will contribute to students an interdisciplinary, comprehensive, and broad understanding of different fields.
Adaptive control, High school curriculum, Machine control.