University of International Business (KAZAKHSTAN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2019
Location: Palma, Spain
Mastery of foreign languages and their use in everyday life is becoming a necessary skill for university graduates along with IT proficiency. A survey of employers in 2016 revealed that they considered knowledge of English as one of the 10 important qualities of university graduates. In addition, knowledge of a foreign language allows a student to study in exchange programs and academic mobility and provides access to materials and advanced knowledge in this language. To successfully master a foreign language, a student must do every day exercises and practice in this language plunging into the language environment. For this purpose and the provision of digital educational services to our students, the university has created a mobile application “UIB English”. This application allows you to track the speed and trajectory of student learning, which topics he successfully mastered and on which he was stuck.
Upon admission to the university, we conduct testing of students to determine the level of knowledge and proficiency in English. Then student goes into one of the groups with the appropriate level of language mastery and receives the necessary content to learn language at a convenient pace and wherever he wishes. For the year of using the application, we integrated it with LMS Moodle, which is used as an electronic learning environment, and we learned to deliver relevant content to students depending on its location.
Students who know English at a good level at the beginning of studies can choose French, Spanish or Chinese as their second foreign language. In the future, we have plans to add new functions to the application and expand it with other foreign languages from the proposed list.Keywords:
Mobile learning, Language learning, Mobile application, Foreign languages.