1 Kazan Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 V.I. Vernadsky Russian State University of National Economy (V.I. Vernadsky University) (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 1752-1758
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0498
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
One of the criteria for assessing the quality of education is its ability to adapt to the demands of the modern information society. Considering that, the need to implement changes in the modern educational process of a university occurs, primarily through revealing the potential of various digital technologies. Effective integration of educational and digital technologies gives the opportunity, on the one hand, to improve the educational process and, on the other, to take into account the interests of the younger generation formed in the digital environment. Digital storytelling is of particular interest for developing the professional competencies of a future teacher. This technology offers rich educational opportunities: it allows you to develop skills in dealing with different types of information, teaches analysis and assessment of given situations, selection of alternative and most rational solutions, forecasting and design techniques, allows you to correlate the learned theoretical material with practical experience, and develops professional skills in solving professional problems.

The aim of the study was to develop the design and information competencies of students using digital storytelling.

The methodological basis of this research was a competency-based approach, which aims to achieve the learning outcome by considering the ability to solve professional tasks effectively. The authors also relied on the project approach, which focuses on organizing a special type of educational and professional activity aimed at creating pedagogical projects.

The leading research methods used in this study were the analysis of theoretical sources, systematization of the key concepts, generalization, questionnaires, and quantitative data analysis.

In this paper, the authors systematize data on modern digital storytelling tools, stages of technology for creating stories, and possible forms of their presentation. The practical part of the research was a pilot experiment, which was carried out in stages:
To conduct the experiment, at the first stage, the educational standard of the teaching major for master students was analyzed. Based on that, the authors identified competencies that contained design and information components. Then, the questionnaires were designed for students to self-assess the impact of digital storytelling on the formation of these competencies. Next, a methodology for implementing storytelling was designed and tested based on the subject “Modern problems and innovations in education.” Students were familiarized with storytelling, types, assessment criteria for story evaluation, and the algorithm of the story’s construction. The tasks included an analysis of the theoretical sources on the topic, designing situations, and creating a story. At the final stage, students carried out a self-assessment of the effectiveness of digital storytelling to develop their information and design competencies.

Analysis of experimental data showed that the majority of respondents rated the influence of digital storytelling technology on the development of information competence at an average level. However, more than a third of them highly assessed its impact on the development of design competence. The findings allowed the authors to conclude that digital storytelling is effective in training future teachers in order to develop information and design competencies.
Digital storytelling, design competence, information competence, future teacher training.