Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in:
ICERI2013 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 4390-4398
ISBN: 978-84-616-3847-5
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 18-20 November, 2013
Location: Seville, Spain
This paper aims to propose the creation of a Regional Socio-economic Ecosystem (RSeE) able to develop the steps need it to achieve a knowledge-based society (KBS). This wold be in a direct correlation with three core aspects or pedagogical theories involved in this vision of society:
1. Culture of Innovation involving the process of research and development;
2. Entrepreneurship and the ability to use efficiently elements based on intellectual capital, and finally;
3. Inclusiveness pedagogical approach
In a country like Mexico, with constantly changing organizational structures and wrapped in a privileged environment where geographic location and the market opportunity converge, it becomes particularly important to consider aspects and actions for the development of a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and inclusiveness. In this sense, it becomes increasingly important for education and business to create effective articulation with private and public or government sectors. This aspect has the peculiarity to generate and shape human element identified as the capital creator, an the intellectual actor needed to transform society. And this is where governments and private sectors of economy becomes a key player in the consolidation of a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship. Industrialized countries invest more in scientific and technological development as well as in management activities and knowledge innovation, establishing partnerships among the academic, government and business. The value intangible assets as such is still precarious in Latin American, Mexico has never even spend 1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on research and development, which puts it at a competitive disadvantage against countries with which it has formed business alliances, such as Canada, the United States and others.
This study aims to describe the importance of each of these agents members of the system covering a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and inclusiveness from a systemic perspective. The importance lies in the generation of a scientific educational proposal for the description and study of three agents responsible for create an adequate environment that would allow the integration of this approach.
This agents are:
1. Academia, universities, research institutions and firms that have a research and development department;
2. Business clustering and business policies for associations and;
3. Government and public policies
Also this paper provides a specific description of the roles that take academia, government and business for promotion and development of a culture
of innovation, entrepreneurship and inclusiveness from the comparative analysis of regional and international best practices.
The results will describe and characterize how this RSeE approach would allow the creation of the KBS and therefore improve the quality of life of developing countries using strategies and public policies based on human factor development from the global trend perspective that knowledge has to become one of the most valuable assets of a nation.Keywords:
Regional Socio-economic Ecosystem, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Inclusiveness, Knowledge-Based Society.