Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (ECUADOR)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 8209-8216
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2096
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The training of Educational Psychologists is interdisciplinary since it integrates theory and practice, which allows responding to educational and social needs, therefore, it is not reduced to the exclusive contribution of Psychology and Pedagogy, but of other disciplines such as Information Technologies and Communications (ICT), which are anchored to the basic nuclei of the profession: Contemporary Society and Educational Policy, Ecology, Human Development and Learning, Learning Experiences; Investigation, Evaluation and Psychopedagogical Intervention and Training of the person; they allow learning and research in the professional field to be directly related to state-of-the-art technologies, to guarantee the response to problems in strategic sectors or of public interest; Thus, articulating technology and training allows easy and effective access to a number of educational and social experiences, which determine a greater coupling between theoretical knowledge and pre-professional practice.

In this specific case, in Distance Education the use of ICT is an imperative need for the training of professionals, guiding from a curricular approach by competencies, conceptual, procedural and axiological aspects of the fields of professional action, generating new forms. of communication in virtual spaces, with interactions in learning and making it possible to create collaborative work. The educational process and use of technologies are supported by virtual learning environments and open educational resources, which obey macro and micro curricular intentions, as well as well-structured and planned designs, therefore, their use allows for an inclusive educational system. From this perspective, it is not the study system or the student who must adapt to the demands and technological developments, but rather the technological instruments are adapted to the educational model and the type of population involved in this process.

The interaction between teacher and student through technological resources and tools such as: virtual environment, forums, chat, wiki, micro videos, questionnaires, video collaborations, among others, facilitate the formative action and pedagogical support, foster cognitive skills that enhance their creativity and social innovation. to respond to problems of formal and non-formal socio-educational interest.

This study responds to an exploratory design, with a descriptive methodology and quantitative analysis of ICT management in the teaching-learning process. Students from a higher education institution, who are studying in a distance modality, enrolled during the last year in the Psychopedagogy career, were taken as a sample.

The results indicate that students positively value ICT in their learning processes, recognize greater support for the development of new strategies, help to improve the preparation of work, organization of activities and search for educational resources, among others. In conclusion, the virtual environment generates an interactive environment, highlighting the student as a dynamic actor in the educational process, with the support of the teacher, who through various teaching strategies, contributes to the change in the learning process, thus strengthening individual competencies. Therefore, the curricular proposal for the training of educational psychologists is innovative with a view to new professional horizons.
Psychopedagogy professionals, curricular innovation, educational technology.