Universidad Complutense de Madrid (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 2373 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0656
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
In an era marked by dynamic societal shifts, the imperative for adaptability in higher education necessitates a paradigmatic evolution in the design and assessment of study plans. We present a sophisticated method conceived by a collaborative cohort from two distinguished schools within the University Complutense of Madrid. This groundbreaking approach seeks to harmonize educational curricula with the exigencies of contemporary society and the multifaceted competencies demanded of graduates.

The method is tripartite, commencing with a meticulous process of (1) discerning the explicit needs of both current and former students, as well as the perspectives of faculty and administrative personnel. This discernment is achieved through the utilization of discussion groups and polls, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive understanding of the diverse stakeholder landscape.

The dimensions to be assessed were extracted through a Weaknesses, Strengths, Threats, and Opportunities (WSTO) analysis. This technique analyzes both internal and external factors and provides a holistic view of the situation. After data collection and identification of strengths and weaknesses (internal factors) and opportunities and threats (external factors) in the three undergraduate programs involved, questions about syllabus sequencing or course guides (among others) were obtained.

Subsequently, the method unfurls its transformative potential in (2) seamlessly integrating the insights garnered into the nascent designs of forthcoming study plans. The architects of this approach recognize the imperative of foresight and responsiveness in curricular design, ensuring that educational offerings remain agile in the face of evolving societal requisites.

Employing a qualitative methodology, four distinct discussion groups were established in each school to facilitate idea generation for upcoming studies, engaging students, subject and course coordinators, as well as administrative teams. Complementing this, a quantitative survey was conducted, garnering responses from 40% of the faculty and 10% of students and additional staff. The findings underscore the efficacy of multidisciplinary approaches in informing the evolution of study plans.

In the denouement of this methodological journey, (3) a meticulous assessment of the efficacy of the implemented changes is conducted. This assessment is underpinned by the judicious application of objective quality metrics, encompassing parameters such as employment rates, student satisfaction levels, and other quantifiable indicators. The integration of such rigorous evaluation tools ensures that the refined study plans are not only theoretically sound but also empirically validated, contributing to the scholarly discourse on the nexus between pedagogy and societal needs.
Pedagogical Design, Educational Framework, Stakeholder Engagement, Curriculum Adaptability, Empirical Assessment.