Covenant University (NIGERIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
The need for achievement (nAch) has been one of the most discussed psychological concepts in research on entrepreneurship. Being an entrepreneur is becoming a stream in the business world. Entrepreneurship has become more popular in the present days and dominant factor in the Agricultural sector. Researchers have examined a number of factors that may explain entrepreneurial activity. Though a good deal of recent research has tended to focus on the characteristics of the business/industry environment or entrepreneurial opportunity itself. But establishing strong evidence for the relation between nAch and entrepreneurial outcomes at the individual level seems to be especially worrisome. Hence, our understanding of entrepreneurship will not be complete unless we understand the achievement motivation of the individuals involved. Hence, this study examines the influence of achievement need on the productivity of entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector. Specifically, McClelland needs theory was applied to the study with logical linkage between the variables. The study adopts cross-sectional approach and descriptive research design to establish trends and draw inferences. The population of this research is 3133 registered member of the selected agricultural agencies located across Lagos and Oyo States, Nigeria. Survey questionnaire was purposively selected and authors considered using the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) questionnaire tests that have demonstrated higher reliability. The data collected were analysed using conceptual, measurement and structural models to establish fitness and strength of relationship. The main tenet of the findings is that achievement motivation does significantly predict entrepreneurial productivity at particular levels of analysis and in specific situations. Further, our findings indicate that the relatively small variance in entrepreneurial productivity that was explained by achievement motivation might have significant implications on individual-entrepreneurs to exhibit achievement-oriented performance. The study concludes that entrepreneurs with clearly defined personalities, needs, and values will be more likely to be attracted to take advantage of the characteristics associated with high achievement motivation in the agricultural sector than other types of professions. It was recommended that the government must continually implement more effective programmes that are useful in encouraging entrepreneurship as a worthwhile pursuit for promoting economic prosperity among entrepreneurs in the sector.Keywords:
Entrepreneurs, Achievement Need, Productivity, Performance, Innovation.