Mendel University in Brno (CZECH REPUBLIC)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 3057-3063
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.0651
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
The paper is based on the assumption that universities should do more to fulfil their role in examining the issue of entrepreneurial education as well as its own implementation. In line with their mission and focus, universities should help to achieve a higher level of entrepreneurship among the university-educated population. The general framework for assessing the current state of entrepreneurship education in the university sector and for hinting at further developments are important national and European documents that directly address or significantly influence and support this area. These documents state, among other things, that universities should incorporate entrepreneurship among important components of educational programs, break them down into different subjects, and require or encourage students to enroll in entrepreneurship courses. Combining an entrepreneurial approach and capability with the material, technical and human background of universities should enable their ideas or developed technologies to be better applied. Integrating entrepreneurship into different curriculum subjects increases the value of all courses completed by obtaining an academic degree. Entrepreneurship education tends to be a key part of a college graduate's profile and is delivered in the form of courses, on-the-job training and in preparation for the final thesis of all degrees of study.

Mendel University in Brno has been organising a specific course on the development of entrepreneurship for its students since 2016. Its aim is to eliminate the fear of doing business as such, the fear of lacking funds or experience. It is already apparent that in constructing activities that lead to the development of entrepreneurship, certain findings from the implementation of this educational component to date will need to be reflected. Education and training developing entrepreneurship requires different teacher training and acceptance of their new role in education. The content of entrepreneurial education is apprenticeship, conditional on the achievement of entrepreneurship, such as the art of taking an opportunity, taking healthy risks, moving tenaciously, acquiring basic knowledge about business, economics and management, acquiring the ability to start a business. After graduating from entrepreneurship courses, students have extended competences in communication, logic, creativity, leadership, motivation, teamwork, information, etc.

The aim of the contribution is to present the results of a part of an empirical survey aimed at analysing the learning needs of adults. This part of survey was carried out using the Focus group method and the target group was made up of university students as well as graduates from a entrepreneurial skills development course. A total of 12 respondents participated in the intense discussion. The background to the discussion was a scenario with individual indicators and issues that were deepened during the discussion. Respondents showed a high level of communication throughout the discussion. The discussion raised a number of interesting views and ideas that we believe may be helpful and inspirational for the further development of this course or subsequent activity. The paper will outline both the generalised results and the specific comments of respondents on the topic above.
Competences, entrepreneurial education, university students.