BabeČ™-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Multigrade classes characterize a geographically and demographically disadvantaged area: sparsely populated areas, isolated areas, difficult to access in terms of transport, communities and infrastructure. The number of students is small, which has led to the organization of multigrade classes. More precisely, it means the coupling of two, three, four or even five grades from the primary cycle and the organization of the educational process, under the responsibility of a single teacher.
The present research starts from the fact that the National Curriculum does not provide specific contents for this type of teaching in Romania. The biggest challenge of the teacher who teaches such a class is to implement the curriculum developed for non-grade class to multigrade class.
This article aims to analyze the main aspects related to the organization and management of multigrade teaching in Romania, at the primary level. From the legislative point of view, the multigrade teaching is organized based on the methodology approved by MECTS, Order no. 3062 from 19.01.2012. Currently, information shows that, from a numerical point of view, the multigrade classes are increasing, both in rural and urban areas, due to the reorganization of school networks and the subordination of small schools to coordinating schools.
The research data were collected following the application of a questionnaire for teachers from multigrade classes, primary level. 140 teachers from 36 counties of our country answered this questionnaire, 70% of them being with the 1st didactic degree. We followed the collection and processing of data about the organization of multigrade classes in Romania - the grouping of classes and the criteria that stood at the basis of this grouping, the efficient management of the didactic time - the established schedule, the preoccupation of the local authorities for these classes showed by the material resources in the endowment of these schools, the meticulous planning of the didactic activities by interweaving the direct activity with the students. All the surveyed teachers stated that they carry out their classes in the morning and 59.28% of them carry out all the classes simultaneously. In their case, it is necessary to follow the way in which they combine school subjects in the schedule, but also the way in which they organize each class, from the methodological point of view. The research results show that the teaching experience of teachers and, in particular, the experience in multigrade teaching, significantly influences the way the teaching process is organized, the ways of preparing and designing training sequences, in order to train students in the skills provided in curriculum.Keywords:
Multigrade teaching, small schools, curriculum, skills, management.