About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 6236-6242
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.1251
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Interior design and Interior Psychology lead to interior designology that explores the aspects of the interior environment surrounding human beings and influence how a person experiences the world around them (Augustin, S., 2019). The isolation imposed on humanity – due to the Covid19 – left no option for the workspace, except the in homes. Furniture, furnishing, and equipment sales drastically increased due to newfound interest that immerged in many new residential interiors and home offices (Kim, R., 2020). All the human outdoor activities became indoors. Students and professors found themselves trapped in their houses, with no interaction, as it is a vital tool in the educational processes (Imran et al., 2020). The imagination and the development resulting from the face-to-face interaction, discontinued, and the sense of remoteness raised, leaving them with substantial mental and physical difficulties.

The paper discusses a problem that faces the end-users, especially the students and their instructors who were not ready for such changes. All the interior regulations were a topic of disruption, and the need for updated and adapted guidelines is crucial in this time of crisis. Not all our interiors were ready in terms of functionality and the overall environmental layout. The accommodation of the new lifestyle, temporary or permanent for some fields, need help to facilitate a quarantined life, especially the educational sector, humanity's future.

This paper follows the qualitative methodology and the existing regulations' analysis to update them with the psychology knowledge, especially the educational partners, giving them alternative solutions and guiding them to recreate their interiors educational environments – from homes. The hypothetical collection of interior designology is essential to lead the students and the professors' well-being in times of crisis. The physical elements of the interiors influence the behavior of the users throughout their psychological effects (Augustin, S., 2008). The principle elements of design that govern the interior design elements perception and its influences. Besides, the soundscape, the scentscape, the materiality, and the light scenes all contribute to the interior designology that suit the new era of the crisis lifestyle. The complexity of the elements is high, and the combination of these patterns creates a proper interior environment for the students and the professor.

The interior designer's role combines the people's needs, physically and psychologically, to create alternative solutions within the interior designology that can accommodate each need while setting new regulations guidelines for the education sector's courtesy, influenced profoundly by Covid19 and any possible crisis in the future. These regulations respect users' vast diversity and the available budgeting to reach a healthy environment that will help in overcoming any pandemic. An additional solution could propose open-air classes when climate and space allow (Shawket, I., 2016). All and possible solutions as proposals to give more opportunities for supporting the educational environment's well-being.
Interior Designology, Interior Design, Interior Psychology, Covid19, Interior-Environment.