This library contains a collection of papers and abstracts related to education, technology, and innovation, published in the proceedings of conferences organized by the International Academy of Technology, Education and Development.
The IATED Digital Library connects academics, researchers, professionals, and students seeking innovative educational experiences and research projects on education and technology.
Each conference series (INTED, EDULEARN, ICERI) has its own ISSN code, and an ISBN is assigned for each Conference Proceedings publication, where articles resulting from each conference edition are included. Each published article is assigned a DOI number to unambiguously identify it.
Published abstracts and the search engine are openly available in the IATED Digital Library. Browse our records by the publication data from the search bar above or through the advanced search page.
Access to full articles is granted to conference participants. Any other person or institution may obtain access to specific conference proceedings from any year upon request. For more information about IATED Digital Library subscription options please email
Searching in a database of 61901 documents.